Thursday, May 3, 2012

A request of my fellow citizens of the United States...

Dear fellow citizen(s),

We once again find ourselves at yet another junction, faced with the responsibility that our Federal Republic demands of us. I am speaking upon our duty to be active participants in our political process. Ask anyone whom has known me for any length of time and they will acknowledge my utterances of the following statement, "We get the leadership we don't demand and hold accountable."  Regardless of one's individual views or ideological leanings our country demands much of us in ensuring its perpetuation as an entity, a culture, a society and most of all our heritage.

We will find ourselves in a growing deluge of mass-media bombardment 24-7, this is less of a shock to us anymore as we find ourselves constantly besiged by information. It is this endless stream of words, ideas, soundbites, and the neon glow of our electronically tethered society that we must remember a simple yet profound idea. We must be able to critically think for ourselves and to question everything that is fed to us via our endless stream of information.  Also equally important is understanding how to research your own information in order to verify a statement, idea, utterance,  or any item that is presented to you for your mental consumption.

I implore all of us to think for ourselves, to question everything, to only give our trust to those whom have earned it through facts, logic, and honest dialogue. DO NOT buy into the demagoguery of the modern political machines that orbit our conciousnes like vultures do over a dying animal in the Sonoran Desert I call home. To vote mindlessly for any party or candidate is in my humble opinion no different than a soldier falling asleep on guard duty, it is a betrayal of trust to oneself, as well as your fellow citizens. We place sacred trust in those whom we elect to public office to represent us to the best of their abilities and human limitations.

I do not endorse any particular ideology or political thought as I said above I prefer to think critically for myself. We have a duty to educate ourselves on what our government does in our names. For it is WE THE PEOPLE whom have given our collective power to our political institutions and represenatives to exercise upon our behalf.  I challenge anyone whom reads this blog to ask hard questions, to think critically, and most of all to be well-informed citizens ready to be actively involved in our Nation's doings.

1 comment:

  1. To you and your readers, I suggest 2 books.

    The first one is 100% non-partisan and takes about 15 minutes to read, the first time. My fiancee read it 3 times over, taking notes and fact-checking it.

    It is by Andy Andrews and entitled "How Do You Kill 11 Million People? Lie to Them"

    The second is "Righteous Indignation" by Andrew Breitbart. The book discusses how he converted to conservatism after witnessing, first-hand, the information filters employed by the "mainstream media" (CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, CBS, Washington Post, etc.) Andrew worked for Matt Drudge. He also helped left-wing new media mogul Adrianna Huffington in setting up her counter-point site. He went on to establish his own site Why? He was sick of the lies and demagoguery in the mainstream media. Even if you don't agree with his political views, it is worth the read.

    Fact-check everything you hear in the news.

    Read History.

    Use your library and your search engines.

    Get all the facts.

    Make up your own mind.
