Tuesday, June 25, 2013

20 Weeks: Trial by Fire

20 Weeks: Trial by Fire

Rights, Groups, and Intersectionality in the United States Today


Jared Michael Royka

            Well dear readers I have been bitten again by the writing bug and its finals week for the 1st half of my summer semester at ASU. I have the privilege of having several friends whom are professional writers so any time I put my thoughts to paper, I feel that I have tall shoes to fill. One of my longest and dearest friends, Paul Matuzsak, is a professional journalist in the wide open realm of modern journalism, specifically blogging on political, social, and personal issues.
While I do not always agree with my dearest friend he does manage to make a strong point on a single topic. That topic is to get oneself informed and ready to take action in regards to how our nation is ran. I tend to be a bit more prosaic in how I get to the same point but on this we both adamantly agree, it is critical to be active and demand your government works. Without active citizen participation we get what has become a political system mired in partisan rhetoric and the pervasive influence of those whom think they know better than you what it is you need.
Again I do not endorse any given party or political faction as I tend to rate most of them with the leadership skills that are best defined as; they couldn’t lead starving wolves to fresh meat. Yet as I slowly it seems finding myself drift politically into that no-man’s land of a blend of libertarianism/constitutionalist/moderate or as I call it the “Leave me the Hell Alone Party.” I have become a cynic when I “Insert hated opposition group/ideology/ect here” is ruining our nation. Frankly I have become violently ill at vitriolic sewage that we call political discourse, my blame gun is locked, loaded, and I have ammo enough for both sides.
If you have to blame someone for my rising need to speak out on many issues blame my friends, my wife, my growing education, and lastly my family for instilling in me a love of my nation. We have a lot of issues that this country needs looking at and having real solutions suggested, not hey this group or this really rich person or industry wants me to do this? In fact I find that my friends like Paul and my lovely wife do much to show me intelligent dialogue that while in disagreement is done with respectful candor. So I am challenging myself to do at least one post on a social/political/economic issue for the next 20 weeks. I have to admit that in my own estimation of this goal being successful is well about as likely as me getting returned to active duty and then being allowed to retire from the military.
I am further challenging myself to approach these issues that I will write upon from a neutral perspective as possible. I am likely to be all over the map as I am finding my own opinions somewhat broader than they were 20 years ago. So dear readers I challenge you to give me a new topic to write about each week. I will pick one and do the best job I can to provide information and my own assessment of the topic as I see it. Please take me upon this challenge as I need to continue work on improving my research and analytical skills. Throw me some good ones and before someone goes there, yes I will discuss just about any topic that is relevant to us as a nation and a people today.
So let’s see what trouble we can get into together, eh? It is often said that knowledge is power, so let’s all get empowered off facts, information, and the consistent ability to apply critical thinking skills. Oh and I challenge you dear reader to do the same thing yourself. The more voices heard the more likely we will connect as a people and make the decisions that have to be made. Let’s get to work and I am excitedly waiting your suggested topics.
                                                                                    Very Respectfully,
                                                                                    Jared M. Royka

1 comment:

  1. Federalist 83 and its application to the issues of today. Considering I haven't reread 83 in the past 18 months, it will inspire me to do so. ;-).
