Monday, June 10, 2013

Gratitude and Intersectionality

I have to be very thankful for my opportunity to have the good fortune to have access to a quality education. I am fully aware that many do not have access let alone opportunity to that education for reasons far too numerous to list here. I find myself changing as I have always done when I expand my consciousness of wonderful sensation of taking in knowledge with the intent to turn that knowledge into purposeful action. This change is at times frightening and I am constantly on guard to act as a critical thinker.

My closest friends have heard me speak of my favorite aphorism "Watch always for what is NOT being said." By this I mean to take a stand against being duped or manipulated by anyone yet it remains a constant vigil. It is my darkest nightmares that I someday would be a party and worse a willing one to something that if laid bare would be of a morally reprehensible nature to me. I have striven to treat anyone I meet on an individual basis. Yet I have to recognize my own biases and prejudices for I am all too human.

In the labeling of my own faults and shortcomings I have begun to notice a change. I have become aware many inequalities and shortcomings in humanity itself. Humanity seems to embrace the duality of inclusion/exclusion within its very heart and soul. We see that the first step to eventual dominance and subjugation of a group is to begin by diminishing their individual humanity. History is replete with examples of this and the often tragic results that stem from this activity.

What do we do to combat this? Is there any hope of a reduction if not a complete dissolution of such ignorance? I am the world’s most cynical optimist at least according to my own feelings and those whom have shared their views of me seem to agree upon this fact. I detest those whom refuse to see the humanity of an opposing view or opposing group. While I acknowledge the fact that conflict is a central impetus of humanity itself, without it we would not live in paradise but rather than a static state of entropy.

Out of that conflict which if of a healthy nature, such as children at play simply for the sake of fun itself, is the impetus of progress upon which humanity depends. Yet conflict unchecked can quickly spiral into a maelstrom of destructive behaviors that ultimately damn all whom are washed in its rage. Conflict is not itself the great enemy upon which we war rather it is that some have harnessed its energies for immoral and potentially evil ends. What do I mean in my addressing of conflict as a positive force yet decrying its evils?

Let me paint for you this picture, pick a group or topic that is different or potentially frightening to a given person. What we see is whether that individual has been trained and is skilled in critical thinking. For those whom use conflict as a tool for the accumulation of power and then the exercise of that power is to justify any action taken to protect that power. A critical thinker will see that it is simply a tool to manipulate their fears for the purposes of the power fearful ignorance gives to the controlling force.

One who is NOT a critical thinker will spout the "information" that has been provided for their consumption and will not be able to fully answer the 5 interrogative questions; Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Yet worse they fail to see the hidden sixth interrogative question of how, this then renders them subject to further manipulations and assignations of their erstwhile masters. Similar to the effect and intent of the web of a predatory spider, to grab, hold, and ultimately control the fate of all whom enmesh themselves blindly within its silken cage.

The next tool of choice for those whom have become enmeshed with the illusion of power is fear. Fear is a powerful emotion and because of its visceral impact upon the human condition is a constant target for manipulation. The powerful have a vested interest in two things where fear is the tool of their accumulation and exercise of power. First is that fear is often dependent upon the ignorant or uninformed individual so that they are not thinking but reacting. Next is that fear must be inflamed so as to overwhelm the target that is being manipulated.

With great power comes a greater responsibility, an aphorism often uttered by the powerful to cast a cloak of nobility about them. How do we counter such things and worse the lies wrapped in double-speak half-truths and cherry picked facts to further gain and protect power used for ill intent? Be intellectually honest, strive to fight ignorance through careful research, question everything you encounter, and ultimately educate you in the art and science of critical thinking.

How far could humanity advance if we exercised such skills on a daily basis? I for one, believe that we would truly become enlightened beings. The egalitarian impulse of the republican views of our founding fathers would take deep roots strengthening our people. It is my dream that our egalitarian ideals would engender and cause freedom to blossom for all humanity. We would find equality in our shared humanity rather than embracing divisiveness that excludes such growth.

Equality is a thing of the mind and heart for reality is not an equal opportunity construct as life shows us daily. Justice is what is striving for in the pursuit of equality, not the outcome itself. That is a belief that burns brightly in my breast and in my soul, I believe in the words I swore an oath to defend. I am humbled that I have the opportunity to not only grow but to share my story with others. That is true equality that we must fight to enshrine at the altar of freedom. That equality is available to all and none are turned away from its embrace.

In Thoughtful Service,

Jared Michael Royka

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